RJ Corman/Conrail/Pennsy Curved Bridge over Tuscarawas River in Massillon, OH

(Bridge Hunter)
Sam Busic posted
Former PRR bridge, Massillon OH, built in 1948, it curves as it spans the water, making it somewhat unique.
Herb WilsonHerb and 704 others joined RAILROAD BRIDGES, TRESTLES, TUNNELS AND CUTS within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community! still in use?
Sam BusicSam and 704 others joined RAILROAD BRIDGES, TRESTLES, TUNNELS AND CUTS within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community! Yes it is...I saw some Norfolk Southern cars around there today.
Dennis DeBruler Bridge Hunter indicates it is now used by a short line, R J Corman https://www.google.com/.../@40.7920858,-81.../data=!3m1!1e3
Tom Lane I think that is an awesome bridge, always loved the curve/skew combination of that bridge with vertical and enclined end posts.
It was built in 1948, which is rather late for a truss RR bridge. In the satellite image it appears you can see the piers of the previous bridge south of the existing bridge.

Paul Puljic posted
Massillon, Ohio. Picture taken from The Veterans Memorial bridge looking south.

RJ Corman/Conrail/Pennsy Curved Bridge over Tuscarawas River in Massillon, OH RJ Corman/Conrail/Pennsy Curved Bridge over Tuscarawas River in Massillon, OH Reviewed by Unknown on August 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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