Preserved/B&O 1956 Bridge #463 over Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, OH

(Bridge Hunter, Historic Bridges, 3D Satellite)

I wonder if this was the last heel-trunnion bridge ever built because it was built in 1956 when the river was widened. I noticed that Bridge Hunter and Historic Bridges disagreed on the length of the span. Then I noticed that Bridge Hunter's span length was longer than the total length. So the Historic Bridges number, 231', is the correct length.

Flickr photo by brx0, License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike (CC BY-SA)

Michael Fobel posted
The old "Jackknife Bridge" now in the permanent open position over the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio. I believe it belonged to the B&O railroad.
It's nice seeing a photo of a partially open bridge because it makes it easier to figure out how the linkages work.
Cleveland State University Library Photograph Collection
This shows the linkages in the closed position.
Cleveland State University Library Photograph Collection
Screenshot @ -2:08 (source: Dave Marion)
Until 1956, this location had a Scherzer Rolling bridge like Bridge #464. Below, #463 is in the foreground and #464 is to the left of the left smokestack.
Robert Pempsell posted
The rolling bridge was based on the bank opposite of the trunnion bridge.
Photo from Image courtesy of Cleveland State Library Special Collections

Brian Akers commented on Russel's posting
Here is another view of the bridge from underneath the viaduct the photographer was standing on.

Preserved/B&O 1956 Bridge #463 over Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, OH Preserved/B&O 1956 Bridge #463 over Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, OH Reviewed by Unknown on September 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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