Satellite) Note the long inlet channel to the powerhouse penstocks. It must have been rainy because the dam is spilling a lot more water than is going through the powerhouse.
Doug Kearney posted three photos with the comment:
Grove RT875E working on the Pine river dam for WE Energies in Florence, WI. A lot goes into setting it up. They had to haul the barge sections down the hill, launch them, then roll the crane on board. You can see the ramps on far shore. Driving the crane down the hill was probably a bit of an adventure.
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"Near Florence" is relative. It struck me as being rather far away until I saw how few towns were in the area. I noticed that there are some bigger, closer powerhouses. And they also are spilling a lot of water.
I almost missed the powerhouse for this one because it is downstream, and I do not see an intake structure for the penstocks.
So the Pine River Dam is one of WE Energies smaller reservoirs.
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