Manitowoc MLC 300 and 650

Since these are the current production crawler cranes for Manitowoc, I'm seeing a lot of photos of them. So I'm going to move and collect them in their own posting. They are VPC (Variable Position Counterweight) designs. I'll probably be adding more photos to this post.

I have seen enough photos of some applications that they have their own posting:

350 Ton Crane
650 Ton Crane

Don Luebesmier posted
Start adding the boom tomorrow !
[Reading the comments, this is a MLC 650 with Max-VPC. VPC is variable position control, which means a computer will automatically move the stack of counterweights along the rail as the boom moves to keep the unit balanced. Since they don't have much boom weight installed, note how the counterweight tray is moved all the way towards the center. As they add boom weight, I expect they will roll the counterweights away from the center. I just noticed that they are still adding counterweights to the stack. Each counterweight is "22k." It took 32-36 truckloads to bring the parts. Just a 301' main to pick 210 tons at 120'.]
Charles Edler posted three photos with the comment: "Started new job this week got a new toy almost brand new 440 hrs MLC 650 what a beast was on a MLC 300 on last job for 6 months it was brand new but I like this beast mo better y'all have a wonderful day !!!!!!!"



Michael Berry posted two photos with the comment: "when a 4100 ring looks small you know the other crane is a monster. 459’ of main and 25’ extended upper boom point." According to the comments, "the other" is a MLC 650.


Nick Elliott posted two photos.
Aaron Fish I remember bending that heavy trailer with the 650.
Nick Elliott Its saying something when you can take the arch out of this trailer.


Cole Felden posted
Rodney Bowser commented on Cole's posting, cropped
Here’s his little brother MLC300
Ben Stalvey posted
Here is a great ? When running a MLC 300 or MLC 650 on a wind farm. Should the counterweights also be chained down? Like shown in this picture?? Does Manitowoc recommend it??????
[The comments indicate that any chains would just snap. The solution is for the contractors to quit cutting corners and prepare the travel roads properly and then use mats for these modern, heavy cranes. The support in the back is evidently called a kickstand and is required by European regulations.]
Cleveland Crane and Shovel Sales posted six photos with the comment: "#mlc300vpcmax Assembly.. our buddies @lomma_crane main erector was tied up.. All it took was a phone call and we were on the way! Call us for all your crane needs!"






Ben Stalvey posted two photos of the first MLC300 bought by ALL.


Jason Nikl posted with the comment: "410k lb roof section going in at rangers stadium."






Ryan Dupre commented on a posting
Ben StalveyBen and 4 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Manitowoc Crane Enthusiasts. All hanging Maxers tooRyan Dupre Ben Stalvey just sitting collecting dust
James Kinnard commented on a posting
I got to tail with one and got a little seat time in her tear down. Sweet machine for sure!
James Kinnard Ben Stalvey that’s from my buddy running the twr crane next to us. Makes my crane look small!
Jordan Korzenowski commented on a posting
Ben StalveyBen and 4 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Manitowoc Crane Enthusiasts. Heavy lifter
Jordan Korzenowski commented on a posting
Steven Mernit commented on a posting
Ben StalveyBen and 4 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Manitowoc Crane Enthusiasts. Cool lattice boom spreader
Steven Mernit commented on a posting
Used for concrete girders on Koscuiuszko Bridge
Phillip Permenter commented on a posting
Ben StalveyBen and 4 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Manitowoc Crane Enthusiasts. Wow that looks like alot of lufferPhillip Permenter 292' We built it in Channelview Texas with the most main and luffer since test pad earlier this year it went together smooth
Jared Hatch commented on a posting
4 scrubber units and bag houses used the MLC 650 for its reach capability and capacity and fairy small footprint.
Ben StalveyBen and 4 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Manitowoc Crane Enthusiasts. Coal fired plant
Amanda Agin commented on a posting
Ben StalveyBen and 4 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Manitowoc Crane Enthusiasts. Neat a Grove in the shot to
[Because the boom is high and the load is on a short radius, the counterweight tray is less than halfway extended.]
Larry Winchester commented on a posting
Jayson Boisselle commented on a posting
Charles Hughey commented on a posting

Matt Saddoris commented on a posting, cropped
Maxim Moline, Illinois
Steve Woods commented on a posting
[So they are not always red.]

Kevin Robbins posted five photos with the comment: "Stretch out 646 tip height."
Perry Silver Is that unit brand new, or just clean as a whistle?
Kevin Robbins Perry Silver still new
Eric Thomas “ swing left “. “ I already did , give it a couple seconds “
Jamie Shields It had 341 main and 292 luffer.
Tyler Turner What's the wind speed cut off 10 or 15 mpr?
Phillip Permenter Tyler Turner 20




Phillip Permenter commented on Kevin's posting
Phillip Permenter She was a breeze to build.
Phillip Permenter commented on Kevin's posting

(new window)

Manitowoc MLC 300 and 650 Manitowoc MLC 300 and 650 Reviewed by Unknown on November 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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